
Showing posts from September, 2017

Oh, hi, thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage.

Hi there, I recently went through and private-ed all of my old cringe-y posts from 2013, and rediscovered my love for posting here. Obviously, a lot has happened since 2013, but I am still me. So, don't expect too much change. However, I vow to use proper grammar and punctuation and have banned the use of ... and !!! I don't know what I was thinking back then. So lets get to the real topic of today. College. Oh boy, college. I had made a post in 2015 when I was a junior, stressing about graduating early and moving out and going somewhere like MATC. I talked about the stress of paying bills and rent and all of these grown up things. At the time I thought I was being mature and was excited to move on with my life because I felt ready. Never in my life have I ever been so wrong about something. I did a ton of growing up my senior year, and without those experiences I don't think I would be even slightly prepared for college. Even now, I feel like I'm not as prepared as I